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Hypothesis Testing

All content related to Hypothesis Testing on my website. Original research/software have an emoji next to it. A full list of topics is also available.

  1. 📄 Universally Consistent K-Sample Tests via Dependence Measures

    Sambit Panda*, Cencheng Shen*, Ronan Perry, Jelle Zorn, Antoine Lutz, Carey E. Priebe, Joshua T. Vogelstein
    Statistics & Probability Letters, 2025

    Introduces the idea that the k-sample testing problem and independence testing problem are equivalent up to a transformation of the data.

  2. 📝 hyppo: A Multivariate Hypothesis Testing Python Package

    Sambit Panda, Satish Palaniappan, Junhao Xiong, Eric W. Bridgeford, Ronak Mehta, Cencheng Shen, Joshua T. Vogelstein
    arXiv, 2024

    Introduces hyppo, a package that incorporates conventional and novel multivariate hypothesis tests.

  3. 🔬 hyppo

    hyppo (HYPothesis Testing in PythOn, pronounced ‘Hippo’) is an open-source software package for multivariate hypothesis testing, closing the gap with R. I am the creator and maintainer of this project; I also wrote a paper about it.

  4. 📝 Learning sources of variability from high-dimensional observational studies

    Eric W. Bridgeford, Jaewon Chung, Brian Gilbert, Sambit Panda, Adam Li, Cencheng Shen, Alexandra Badea, Brian Caffo, Joshua T. Vogelstein
    arXiv, 2023

    Generalizes causal estimators to arbitrary dimensional space and uses this to develop a new test (Causal CDcorr).

  5. 📝 Learning Interpretable Characteristic Kernels via Decision Forests

    Sambit Panda*, Cencheng Shen*, Joshua T. Vogelstein
    arXiv, 2023

    Demonstrates the kernel derived from random forest is characteristic and develops a hypothesis test based on that fact (KMERF).

  6. 📁 Elucidating Relationships within Neurological Screening Batteries via Random Forest-Based Hypothesis Testing

    Sambit Panda, Leslie R. Wilson, Jariatu Stallone, Dalisa Kendricks, Korey Stevanovic, Jesse D. Cushman

    Applies a random forest based hypothesis test (specifically KMERF) to evaluate the effectiveness of a neurological screening test for mice.

  7. 📄 The Chi-Square Test of Distance Correlation

    Cencheng Shen, Sambit Panda, Joshua T. Vogelstein
    JCGS, 2022

    Derives an approximation to the p-value of distance correlation that bypasses the permutation test with no significant loss of power.

  8. 🎓 Multivariate Independence and k-sample Testing

    Sambit Panda
    Johns Hopkins, 2020

    My master’s thesis, which introduces a Python package and a new framework for k-sample testing.

  9. 🔬 scipy.stats.multiscale_graphcorr

    Multiscale Graph Correlation is a powerful multivariate test (the first multivariate test in SciPy). I ported this code and am a maintainer of this method.